School Excursions
Fairfield City Museum & Gallery offers an immersive education program ‘Living the Past’ to primary school groups in Grades 1 and 2, and the wider public.
The Living the Past program has been specifically designed to give visiting students and accompanying adults a glimpse into the lives of early European settlers in western Sydney. The Museum’s heritage buildings - such as its 1880’s Slab Hut - help to evoke the atmosphere of earlier days, when life for the area’s inhabitants was very different. Knowledgeable volunteer staff interpret each on site exhibit, bringing to life a time that today’s school students will not have experienced. During their visit students will be able to:
- see common daily activities demonstrated such as how shopping and laundry was done in the early 20th century.
- participate in a range of activities such as playing different types of popular school children’s games and taking part in an ‘old fashioned’ lesson in the Schoolhouse.
- handle artefacts that were commonly used by past generations such as pens with nibs and pre-decimal money.
- experience firsthand the types of conditions people lived under including; where they lived, what conveniences they had, how they were schooled, the clothes they wore, the variety of children's games played and how they did their laundry and shopping.
For more information: